I support Companies

in the Financial Services space

In my 25-year career in investment management, I have been involved in many of the aspects of running and governing investment management businesses. I studied Econometrics with a specialization in Quantitative Finance; received my CFA-charter; was President of CFA Society Netherlands; worked in the investment management department of a public pension fund; was a co-founder of a private equity fund of funds business, developing, marketing, selling, investing, and managing products and services; ran a management company managing publicly traded equity and fixed income funds; and have been Chairman of several alternative investment funds. Overall, I have been (jointly) responsible for approximately EUR 54 billion in assets in the investment management space.

I help your organization with advice, consulting, and/or Directorships. My preferred mode of operation is to get to know your organization, decide on a way forward, implement the way, and assess effectiveness, preferably in close cooperation with those in leadership positions. Although this is a normal course of business for most organizations, a key differentiating factor is my willingness to openly assess the status quo, challenging your existing way of thinking, feeling, and acting, in order to get the most out of you and your organization. Especially interesting is my desire for your organization to become as robust and self sufficient as it can be, leading to an appropriate division of tasks and responsiblities, allowing all within an organization to focus on those areas they are best equipped to deal with.

I am particularly interested in complex organizational issues, where – beyond a general sense that something is not right or not working as it should, or not at the level it could – it is unclear to current management or (supervisory) boards where exactly the issue lies. An outside-in perspective really helps in those circumstances to firstly figure out where the issue is, and secondly, implement a solution. An appropriate role with(in) the organization would need to be chosen, and depending on the organization, that could be in the form of consultancy/advisory to start, possibly followed by (interim) management or (non)executive directorial positions to facilitate implementation.

Some examples from my past include:

  • With limited resources effectively implementing a U.S,/Europe cross-border sales and investment opportunity sourcing model for an alternative investment fund manager
  • As board member, and later president, of a growing financial analyst society, overseeing strong membership growth and laying the foundation for a later merger with the key (competing) other market participant
  • After market analysis to determine the right operating model, optimizing the efficiency of a very large Luxembourg based management company in an increasingly demanding regulatory environment, resulting in a robust and efficient nearly self-sufficient organization whilst maintaining a strong P&L
  • As Chairman, contributing to several smoothly run investment funds, with all involved parties working together to optimize operations and effectiveness
  • As board member, increasing the professionalism and effectiveness of a European-wide operating non-profit organization
  • As board member, professionalizing the Board of a highly succesful but undermanaged Netherlands based sports organization

Contact me to learn more.