The Christian Life

Several years ago, I gave my life to Christ. It was an unguarded moment, in the bathtub, with nothing on my mind. Absolutely still. After I had gone under the water, and had come up again and was just lying there, from one momen to the next, I just knew. Jesus Christ was my Lord and Saviour. I stood up, and I received His Knowing, with a certainty far beyond any certainty I had had before, that the Father and I are one. Since then, I have beep baptised by submersion, dying to self, and being alive in Him, and with Him.

I have spent much time since reading Scripture, reading His Word. Getting to know Him. Learning to trust Him, growing in faith. Many wonderful, and oftentimes humbling, experiences have happened. In gratitude for His Knowing me, and my knowing Him, I proceed on my path.

I now trust that God will provide. He has said that I should help people find His Kingdom, and I gladly do so.

If you wish to know more about God, and about His Word, and get to know Him, I am very happy to help. Send me a message by filling out the form below, and I will reach out to you.



Post script

Many people, and the Bible, talk about the “good news”. This good news is that a path back to God has been provided to us. In our human condition, we can strive for many things, and actually be quite succesful in many things. But no matter how hard we try, we, by ourselves, always fall short of what would be possible if we were in Him. When we realize that by our own efforts, we can never be as Good, or as Whole, or as Perfect even, as He is. And that we make mistakes. And hurt others, and ourselves.

He has made regaining our oneness with Him available to us. By sending His Son to bear our sins (those things that God would not do but we did) in our stead when dying on the cross. By being buried, and being alive again on the third day. By his reaching out to us, and by our repentance of sin (our regret of those things we did wrong, even in the slightest, and our sincere, heartfelt, and strong desire to never do that again). By our acceptance of His Son Jesus Christ as our Saviour from sin, as well as his Lordship over our lives going forward. In this way, our relationship with God is sealed. He then sends his Spirit to indwell in us, who will never leave us.

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